About TISF



以2019年我國參加於美國亞利桑那州鳳凰城舉行之英特爾國際科技展覽會(Intel ISEF)為例,在這個素有「中學生科學奧林匹亞競賽」之稱的國際科學賽事中,2019年共有82個國家/地區,1842名學生,1,454件作品參賽,我國13名學生10件作品在眾多競爭者中脫穎而出,囊括7項大會獎、4項特別獎,展現豐碩成果,顯示我國中等學校科學教育基礎紮實,讓參賽代表在國際舞臺上能發光發亮。

我國參與美國國際科技展覽會(intel ISEF)30多年來,共選派學生194人次、240件作品參賽,其中得獎學生達201人次,得獎作品有163件,包括1項英特爾青年科學家獎(Intel Young Scientist Award)、2項大會歐洲SIYSS參訪研習獎(Dudley R. Herschbach SIYSS Award)、2項歐盟青年科學家大賽獎(European Union Contest for Young Scientist Award)、12 項類科首獎(Best of Category Award)、134項大會獎(Grand Award)及135 項特別獎(Special Award),成果相當豐碩。


  • 國內作品由學校推薦報名後先參加臺灣北、中、南區初審;選拔後再與受邀國家之區域或全國性比賽中之優勝作品共同參加國際科學展覽會競賽。
  • 展覽科別分數學、物理與天文學、化學、地球與環境科學、動物學、植物學、微生物學、生物化學、醫學與健康、工程學、電腦科學與資訊工程、環境工程及行為與社會科學科等13科。
  • 參展對象含國內學生及國外學生兩大類;國內外學生均可以個人作品或團隊(2~3人)作品參賽。
  • 國內作品獎勵辦法:
  • 展覽會期間舉辦開幕典禮暨創意座談、教師交流會、學生交流會、公開展覽及科教設施參觀等活動,並由我國師生及外國師生共同參與,增加國內外師生觀摩交流機會。
  • 結合青少年科學人才培育,接洽大專院校、科學研究機構相關專長之教授支援,提供優勝學生繼續研究之環境及所需要之輔導。




In order to establish the roots of science education in Taiwan and expand the international vision of our secondary school students, the National Taiwan Science Education Center (hereinafter referred to as "NTSEC") has been organizing the "Taiwan International Science Fair" since 1991. TISF has been separated from the National Primary and High School Science Fair to select student representatives for the international science exhibitions.

To increase the opportunities of international science education exchange and observation for our teachers and students, we have invited more teams from the Pan-Pacific region to participate in the event, and since then, the number of foreign projects and countries participating in the event has increased year by year.

The TISF is identified by the Ministry of Education (MOE) of Taiwan and the TISF guideline is formulated by the Science Fair Consult Commission. The judging procedure includes D&S review, three-stage interview and the award categories are Young Scientist Award, the First to Fourth award and Special Awards which refer to the ISEF and is a rigorous science fair.

A total of 620 students and 337 projects were submitted for the preliminary round of the 2021 TISF in December last year, and 258 students and 142 projects were selected for the final round of the competition. A total of 578 students and teachers from 20 countries and 176 winning works will enter the final round of the competition.

At the same time, in order to broaden the horizons of our students' scientific research and to strengthen international science education exchanges, the NTSEC will hold a series of activities during the Taiwan International Science Fair 2021, such as the opening ceremony and keynote speech, student-teacher workshops, and public exhibition, to achieve the purpose of academic and cultural exchanges through the participation of teachers and students.

Each year, after the TISF, the National Taiwan Science Education Center selects the best students to represent Taiwan to participate in international science fairs in the United States, ESI, Tunisia, Turkey and Brazil, etc. They have performed well. However, our team participated in I-Fest2 in Tunisia, MOSTRATEC in Brazil, and BUCA IMSEF in Turkey, and won gold, silver, and bronze medals, as well as first and third prizes.

Although the ISEF in the U.S. was not held in 2020 due to the pandemic, our team participated in I-Fest2 in Tunisia, MOSTRATEC in Brazil, and BUCA IMSEF in Turkey. They had won many awards, including gold, silver, and bronze prizes. The Taiwan student team's accomplishments were very impressive and evident to all.

In order to let the students who are representing Taiwan nationally concentrate on science research without any worries, MOE issues the “Regulations Governing Academic Advancement Incentives for Students with Great Performance in International Mathematics or Science Olympiads and International Science Fairs” so that the talented young scientists can have the recommendations for admission to higher education.

The Ministry of Education (MOE) has promulgated the "Regulations Governing Academic Advancement Incentives for Students with Great Performance in International Mathematics or Science Olympiads and International Science Fairs" to enable students with excellent performance in international science fairs to be guaranteed admission, recommended for admission to universities, or to study abroad at public expense, so as to nurture more outstanding scientific talents for the country.


Main contact person for International teams
Irene Chen
+886-2-6610-1234 ext.1621