About TISF

  為扎根臺灣科學教育,拓展我國中學生國際視野,國立臺灣科學教育館(以下簡稱科教館)自 1991 年開始,由全國中小學科展獨立分開辦理「中華民國參加國際科學展覽活動」,從中選拔國際科學展覽會之學生代表。2002年更名為「臺灣國際科學展覽會」。為增加我國師生國際科技教育交流及觀摩機會,1992 年開始邀請泛太平洋地區國家組隊參加全國中小學科展,2002年改邀請參加臺灣國際科學展覽會,以名符其實。自此,國外參展作品件數及參展國家數逐年增加。

  科教館為辦理臺灣國際科學展覽會,經由「中華民國科學展覽會諮詢委員會」制定「臺灣國際科學展覽會實施要點」,並報請教育部核備,依據上述要點規範成立評審委員會,審查程序包括了規格審查、安全審查、三階段評審;獎項類別則有青少年科學獎、一至四等獎及特別獎;參展科別參考美國 ISEF(International Science and Engineering Fair)國際科技展覽會共 13 科,為一嚴謹之科學賽事。

  2023 年臺灣國際科學展覽會國內外作品於去年 12 月參加初審,共有530 位學生,297 件作品報名,最後甄選並進入複審學生為 234 位,135 件作品,將與來自美國等 21 個參展國家或地區 55 位學生39 件優勝作品進入決賽評審。本次競賽合計國內外師生約計 22 國500 多位師生,174 件優勝作品進入決賽。

  為拓展我國學生科學研究視野,與來自世界各地的青年科學精英分享彼此的研究成果,並加強國際科技教育的交流,本館於2023 年臺灣國際科學展覽會期間辦理開幕典禮暨大師講座、學生及教師交流會、文化參訪及公開展覽作品觀摩等一系列活動,藉由師生共同參與,達到學術與文化交流之目的。

  科教館每年自「臺灣國際科學展覽會」中評選出優秀得獎作品學生,代表我國參加美國、ESI、義大利、突尼西亞、土耳其、俄羅斯、巴西及瑞士等國際科學展覽會,屢有優異表現。尤以參加全球最大規模,有「中學生科學奧林匹亞」之稱的 ISEF 成績最為亮麗,2022 年選派 21 名學生 12 件科學研究作品代表我國參賽,從 64 個參賽國、近1,750 位學生、1,397 件作品中脫穎而出,勇奪六項大會獎、三項特別獎,代表團成績有目共睹。


Since 1982, two student contestants have been selected from the National Primary and High School Science Fair of the Republic of China, to participate in the International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) of the United States of America. The Selecting Fair for International Activities was established in 1991. In 2002, the Selecting Fair was converted to the Taiwan International Science Fair (TISF).

The TISF is identified by Ministry of Education (MOE) of Republic of China and the TISF guideline is formulated by the Science Fair Consult Commission. The judging procedure includes D&S review, three-stage interview and the award categories are Young Scientist Award, the First to Fourth award and Special Awards which references to the ISEF and is a rigorous science fair.

The TISF is a science research competition for high school students from grades nine through twelve. With the mission of identifying and nurturing talented young scientists, TISF 2023 brings together more than 500 domestic and overseas participants and 174 projects from 22 nations/regions to compete for awards. The National Taiwan Science Education Center (NTSEC) is very proud to organize such a prestigious event.

Domestic winners, besides winning grand awards, are selected to represent Taiwan at various fairs around the world: namely, the International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) in the USA, I giovani e le scienze in Italy, International Festival of Engineering, Sciences and Technology in Tunisia(I-FEST2), International Music, Science, Engineering Energy Fair (BUCA IMSEF) in Turkey, Expo Science International(ESI)in Mexico, MOSTRATEC in Brazil, KSEF in Korea, and International Swiss Talent Forum(ISTF) in Switzerland.

Between 1982 and 2022, students from Taiwan have performed very well at the ISEF, which is well known as the “High School Science Olympiad”. During ISEF 2022, we received 6 Grand Awards and 3 Special Awards from 64 countries with 1750 students representing 1397 projects.

The outstanding performance of Taiwanese contestants has drawn international recognition. In order to let the students who are representing Taiwan nationally concentrate on science research without any worries, MOE issues the “Regulations Governing Academic Advancement Incentives for Students with Great Performance in International Mathematics or Science Olympiads and International Science Fairs”s o that the talented young scientists can have the recommendations for admission to higher education.


Main contact person for International teams
Stephanie Wu
+886-2-6610-1234 ext.1509